This four-day workshop focuses on modeling multi family and commercial properties. Topics include sales screening and analysis, stratification and identification of market/sub-market areas, determining model structures, variable transformations, basic and complex models, and modeling various property types. The workshop uses SPSS for Windows.
Sessions combine lectures, demonstrations, and lab sessions. Students will need to bring their own laptop. Thimgan & Associates will provide trial versions of SPSS for any student not having this software. Workshop is limited to 30 students on a first-come basis.
SPSS for Windows is the top-selling statistical software package for PCs and the winner of PC Magazine’s Editor’s Choice Award. It is well suited to assessors wanting to perform their own market analyses in a friendly, point-and-click PC environment. (For more information about SPSS or its products, call 1-800-543-6607.)
For registration or more information on the course feel free to
contact us.
Refund Policy: Full refunds will be granted 30 days
prior to the class with a $100 fee thereafter.